Avance Nerve Graft®

Avance Nerve Graft is the only off-the-shelf biologically active processed human nerve allograft intended for the surgical repair of peripheral nerve discontinuities.

Biologically active, laminin-rich endoneurial tubes

Avance innovations

  • Organized, linear and continuous structural support for cellular migration and regenerating axons.
  • Clinically proven, off-the-shelf solution with 82% meaningful recovery in sensory, mixed and motor nerve gaps up to 70 mm.1
  • Proprietary cleansing, decellularizing and sterilizing methods specifically designed to maintain both the natural nerve structure and biological activity of native nerve.
  • Intra-operative versatility to meet a range of anatomical needs.

learn more


Avance Nerve Graft is the preferred choice in digital nerve repair over conduit, autograft or vein graft.*2


meaningful recovery rate,

defined as Medical Research Council Scale of S3/M3 or greater, throughout the body after reconstruction.1


years of

unrivaled expertise in nerve tissue recovery.

the avance method®

The Avance Method is Axogen’s proprietary methodology for recovering, cleansing, sterilizing and ensuring quality of the Avance® Nerve Graft. This establishes Avance Nerve Graft as the most effective, natural alternative to a patient’s own tissue.3,4

preserved architecture

Preserves the delicate 3D macro- and micro-architecture of native nerve, which provides structural support for the regenerating axons.

bioactive laminin

Enzyme treated to inactivate the inhibitory aspects of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) exposing laminin, which is known to promote nerve regeneration.5

quality assays

Proprietary testing to ensure identity, purity and safety.


REGULATORY CLASSIFICATION: Avance Nerve Graft is a human tissue for transplantation. Avance Nerve Graft is processed and distributed in accordance with US FDA requirements for Human Cellular and Tissue-based Products (HCT/P)under 21 CFR Part 1271 regulations, US State regulations, and applicable international regulations.

Axogen Corporation is accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB).

This graft is to be dispensed only by or on the order of a licensed physician.

INDICATIONS FOR USE: Avance Nerve Graft is a processed nerve allograft (human) intended for the surgical repair of peripheral nerve discontinuities to support regeneration across the defect.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: Avance Nerve Graft is contraindicated for use in any patient in whom soft tissue implants are contraindicated. This includes any pathology that would limit the blood supply and compromise healing or evidence of a current infection.


ordering information

Code Dimensions
111215 1–2 mm x 15 mm
211215 2–3 mm x 15 mm
311215 3–4 mm x 15 mm
411215 4–5 mm x 15 mm
111230 1–2 mm x 30 mm
211230 2–3 mm x 30 mm
311230 3–4 mm x 30 mm
411230 4–5 mm x 30 mm
Code Dimensions
111250 1–2 mm x 50 mm
211250 2–3 mm x 50 mm
311250 3–4 mm x 50 mm
411250 4–5 mm x 50 mm
111270 1–2 mm x 70 mm
211270 2–3 mm x 70 mm
311270 3–4 mm x 70 mm
411270 4–5 mm x 70 mm
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There’s only a short form between you and our nerve product team who can help you get more information about our nerve repair solutions.


†Defined as Medical Research Council Scale of S3/M3 or greater.

  1. Safa B, et al. Peripheral nerve repair throughout the body with processed nerve allografts: Results from a large multicenter study. Microsurgery. Jul 2020;40(5):527–537.
  2. Azouz SM, et al. A survey of the prevalence and practice patterns of human acellular nerve allograft use. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2018;6(8):e1803.
  3. Rinker B, et al. Use of processed nerve allografts to repair nerve injuries greater than 25 mm in the hand. Ann Plast Surg. Jun 2017;78(6S suppl 5):S292–S295.
  4. Leversedge F, et al. A multicenter matched cohort study of processed nerve allograft and conduit in digital nerve reconstruction. J Hand Surg Am. Sep 30, 2020;S0363-5023(20):30413–30415.
  5. Muir D, et al. Schwannoma cell-derived inhibitor of the neurite-promoting activity of laminin. J Cell Biol. Nov 1989;109(5):2353–2362.