repairing nerve damage
Are you ready to get back to what matters? Living with nerve damage can have a significant impact on how you interact with the world. It may involve a loss of the functions you rely on or cause chronic or debilitating pain.
Nerve repair can help restore lost sensory or motor function or finally address the source of chronic pain. This means you may once again feel the touch of a loved one, be able to move an injured part of your body, or live pain free.
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Peripheral nerves allow us to interact with the world around us. They act like wires, carrying signals to and from your brain throughout your entire body. Motor nerves carry messages from the brain to muscles to make the body move. Sensory nerves send signals back to our brain, carrying the messages that allow us to feel touch, pain, pressure and temperature.
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Traumatic injuries, such as accidents, falls, sharp cuts from glass or a knife, gunshot wounds, or even fractures can cause a nerve to get crushed, stretched, bruised or cut.
previous surgery
Nerves can be very tiny and difficult to see, and their location often varies based on a person’s unique anatomy. As a result, they can be unintentionally cut, compressed or stretched during surgery. In some cases, cutting a nerve may be unavoidable, e.g., during a mastectomy or removing a tumor.
compression and overuse
Compression or overuse injuries include things like carpal or cubital tunnel syndrome, or might occur after repeated sports injuries or some other injury where the nerve becomes continually inflamed
or irritated.
could I have nerve damage?
Explore how nerve damage can happen and learn about how different nerves work throughout the body.
repair options
See what nerve repair options are available depending on the cause and severity of your nerve damage.
During a mastectomy, when the breast tissue is removed, nerves that provide feeling and sensation to the chest are also cut and can leave you feeling numb. Resensation® is a surgical technique designed to restore sensation to the chest during breast reconstruction.
healthy peripheral nerves allow us to